Letter to the Editor: The Indiana GOP doesn’t care about you.

UPDATE 3/2: The local newspaper decided to publish my probably-a-little-too-long letter. You can check it out here (give them clicks!).

To the editor,

We’re all tired. It’s been a long year. We need our leaders to cut the crap and work on addressing the challenges Hoosiers face every day – a better economy, improved healthcare, education for our kids. The General Assembly should focus on these issues, but the GOP Supermajority has a different agenda – they would rather fight culture wars and help their wealthy friends. The republicans that we sent to represent us aren’t solving our problems; they’re creating new ones for us. 

Here’s what the Indiana GOP has decided to prioritize over the issues Hoosiers care about:

This is what the Indiana GOP has deemed essential during a global health and economic crisis. The leaders we sent to Indianapolis aren’t interested in making your life better; they want to fight culture wars. They’re not helping workers and folks struggling to get by; they want to ensure wealthy business owners’ profits are growing. They aren’t taking steps to help students; they want to give their own businesses unfair advantages.

We’re all tired of this pandemic, we’re tired of politics, and we’re tired of the everyday challenges that are becoming the new normal. Increasingly, we’re tired of the politicians in the statehouse. We’re tired of being failed by those who run our state.

Senator Bray, Senator Crane, and Representative Baird – how much longer will you test our patience?


Kevin Verhoff